Kedokteran Estetika
Klinik Ruianc, yang terletak di Distrik Xitun, Taichung, menawarkan berbagai layanan estetika canggih dengan perawatan yang dipersonalisasi dan profesional. Layanan mereka mencakup penghilangan bulu ketiak M22, perawatan laser wajah penuh, peremajaan kulit dengan laser Pico, terapi anti-penuaan, dan drip pengurangan lemak. Klinik ini juga menyediakan terapi pertumbuhan rambut PRP, Oligio, Ultherapy generasi ketiga, serta perawatan Perfect dan Golden Radiofrequency. Untuk solusi injeksi, mereka menawarkan filler asam hialuronat CUTEGEL dan EQPT, pengencangan benang ikan, dan suntikan Botox. Klinik Ruianc berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi kecantikan yang aman, efektif, dan disesuaikan, dengan dokter berbahasa Inggris untuk melayani klien internasional.
( English-Speaking Aesthetic Medicine in Taiwan )
No. 946, Fuke Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City

Injeksi Estetika
Di Klinik Ruianc, injeksi estetika kami mencakup berbagai pilihan seperti asam hialuronat, Botox, bubuk dermal alogenik, dan stimulan kolagen. Injeksi minimal invasif ini secara efektif memperbaiki tekstur kulit, mengurangi garis halus dan kerutan, serta mempertegas kontur wajah.

Ingin menghaluskan garis halus tanpa terlihat? Belotero® adalah pilihan tepat! Filler asam hialuronat dari Jerman ini sangat menyatu dengan kulit, memberikan hasil yang alami dan tidak terdeteksi. Baik Anda ingin memperbaiki lipatan nasolabial, kantong mata, atau meningkatkan kontur bibir, Belotero® memberikan efek lembut dan tahan lama yang membuat kulit terlihat halus dan muda.

Cutegel N
Ingin memperindah fitur wajah dan mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih halus? Cutegel N Hyaluronic Acid adalah teman sempurna! Diproduksi di Korea, filler asam hialuronat dengan berat molekul sedang ini cocok untuk injeksi kulit sedang hingga dalam, efektif mengurangi kerutan, memperbaiki lipatan nasolabial, dan memperhalus fitur wajah Anda. Hasilnya yang alami dan tahan lama membuat kontur wajah Anda terlihat lebih indah!

Jika Anda mencari hasil pemodelan wajah yang tahan lama, Vivacy Hyaluronic Acid (Stylage®) adalah solusi ideal! Filler asam hialuronat buatan Prancis ini menawarkan dukungan dan daya tahan luar biasa, ideal untuk membentuk area seperti hidung dan dagu. Dengan efek pengisian alami dan tahan lama, mendapatkan kontur wajah yang tajam dan menonjol menjadi lebih mudah!

BELOTERO® REVIVE adalah injeksi hidrasi yang meningkatkan sistem kelembapan kulit dengan merevitalisasi dari dalam. Injeksi ini memberikan hidrasi mendalam dan mengunci kelembapan, meningkatkan elastisitas, tekstur, dan kekencangan kulit, sambil menghaluskan garis halus dan meratakan warna kulit. Satu kali perawatan memberikan banyak manfaat!

Dengan teknologi Vycross™ yang dipatenkan, gel asam hialuronat ini memiliki kohesi dan adhesi tinggi, memberikan efek pengangkatan dan pengencangan alami dengan dukungan 3D yang luar biasa. Meski tetap menjaga sifat lembut asam hialuronat, kohesi yang lebih tinggi meningkatkan efek pembentukan dan pengangkatan, memberikan dukungan yang lebih kuat dan tahan lama sambil meminimalkan pembengkakan. Sempurna untuk membentuk hidung, pipi, dan dagu, memberikan hasil yang terdefinisi, alami, dan tahan lama!

Restylane® Hyaluronic Acid menggunakan teknologi NASHA™ yang inovatif, sangat mirip dengan asam hialuronat alami tubuh. Aman dan tidak mengganggu ekspresi atau gerakan wajah. Gel bening disuntikkan dalam jumlah kecil ke area yang diinginkan untuk menambah volume pada jaringan subkutan, memperbaiki kontur wajah dan menghaluskan kerutan. Hasilnya adalah kehadiran asam hialuronat yang tahan lama di kulit, memberikan penampilan yang alami dan cantik sekaligus.

BOTOX is a natural, purified protein derived from the secretions of bacteria and extracted through advanced purification technology. It works by relaxing the muscles responsible for wrinkles, reducing excessive muscle activity and tension, allowing the skin to smooth out and preventing the formation of new fine lines. With just a few minutes of injection, BOTOX offers a non-surgical lunchtime cosmetic procedure to reduce frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet, giving your face a smoother, more youthful, and vibrant appearance.

Letybo®, also known as “Botira” in Chinese, is a freeze-dried botulinum toxin injection that received approval from the U.S. FDA and met European and Taiwanese standards. In 2019, it was approved by Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare. Letybo® is a natural, purified protein specifically designed for Asian individuals, offering excellent therapeutic results and high stability.

XEOMIN®, produced by a German pharmaceutical company, differs from other products as it lacks unnecessary “complexing proteins.” This makes it beneficial for patients who develop antibodies and experience reduced effectiveness with other botulinum toxin treatments. XEOMIN® is less likely to diffuse into non-treatment areas, which reduces the risk of allergic or rejection reactions, making it a suitable option for individuals with botulinum resistance.

If you’re looking to enhance your skin’s overall texture and elasticity, Vivabella is your ideal choice! This next-generation collagen stimulator combines poly-L-lactic acid and non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid to effectively improve facial hollowness while continuously stimulating collagen production. The results are natural and long-lasting, with high comfort and minimal risk of nodules after treatment. Choose Vivabella to rejuvenate your skin!

Dreaming of naturally plump and youthful skin? Juvelook (New Juvederm) is your go-to solution! This next-generation collagen stimulator combines poly-L-lactic acid and hyaluronic acid with 3L micro-molecule collagen technology, giving your skin a radiant, hydrated, and naturally bouncy texture. It can also be combined with energy-based treatments like Ultherapy for enhanced results. No more worries about stiff fillers—Juvelook helps you achieve youthful, plump skin effortlessly!

Featuring unique STAT technology, Ellansé provides both “immediate volume restoration” and “stimulation of Type I collagen production” by utilizing the body’s natural response to boost collagen synthesis for longer-lasting effects. It effectively addresses wrinkles, folds, and sagging, while also offering a lifting effect due to its ability to promote collagen formation. Ellansé can be used to improve nasolabial folds, forehead lift, and sagging cheeks, providing volumizing, contouring, and immediate lifting effects.

Sculptra stimulates the production of your body’s own collagen, helping to fill in hollows, sagging, and wrinkles caused by collagen loss as we age. It helps restore youthful volume and firmness, improving hollow cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and chin contours. Sculptra rejuvenates your skin, giving you a plumper, more youthful appearance.

AestheFill (commonly known as “Magic AestheFill”) is a new type of injectable from Korea made with poly-L-lactic acid in a porous microsphere structure. It not only provides immediate filling effects after injection but also promotes the natural production of Type I collagen. AestheFill is a gradual filler, with results appearing over time as collagen production is stimulated. Typically, 4-6 weeks after each session, you’ll begin to see improvement in facial hollows, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
Radiofrequency Lifting & Ultrasound Lifting

LV LiteVara Vortex HIFU
Unlike traditional linear HIFU treatments, Vortex HIFU adapts to the movement of the handpiece, providing more contouring and personalized treatment for the face. With a lighter and more compact probe and handpiece, the procedure is faster and more efficient. It effectively addresses fine lines, enlarged pores, facial contours, and skin laxity with minimal discomfort and at a lower treatment cost.

Phoenix Thermage FLX Lift
The next-generation Thermage FLX precisely targets the SMAS fascia layer at a depth of 4.3mm, heating it to reorganize collagen and boost metabolism. This treatment tightens the facial contours comprehensively, delivering significant and immediate results.

CPT Gold Thermage Lift
CPT Gold Thermage Lift is a highly safe, non-invasive skin tightening and contouring treatment. It uses specific electromagnetic frequencies to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and encouraging skin rejuvenation without the need for incisions.

Miracle Thread Lifting
Miracle Thread features meticulously calculated small barbs in terms of angle, density, and length to optimize lifting effects, offering excellent flexibility and moldability. Available in two specifications, 1-0 and 3-0, it can be adapted to different areas and indications. Besides facial lifting and skin texture improvement, Miracle Thread is also effective for reshaping the nose, enhancing facial contours, and deepening the appearance of the eyes.

Blue Diamond Fishbone Thread Lifting
Certified by the U.S. FDA and Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, STRATAFIX® Blue Diamond Fishbone Thread Lifting offers effects lasting 1-2 years. The fishbone thread, with its barbed characteristics, provides strong lifting power. This linear lifting technique achieves immediate results in lifting sagging tissues, making it ideal for those with mild to moderate facial sagging or who are dissatisfied with the effects of skin-tightening devices and laser treatments.
4D Pico Laser

High-End Laser Designed for Asian Skin
To pamper our valued clients, we have introduced the PicoPlus Pico Laser from Korea’s Lutronic. With 20 years of experience in laser machine development, Lutronic has designed this advanced pico laser specifically for Asian skin. All products are officially certified in various countries, ensuring optimal suitability and effectiveness for Asian skin types.

Medical Team
Dermatology, Obesity Medicine, Aesthetic Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Specialists… United Specialists from NTU Hospital and Veterans General Hospital

Dr. Shih-Tzu Tseng
Dermatology and Obesity

Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin
Family medicine

Dr. Sheng-Pai Ni
Aesthetic medicine
Dr.Ni is certified in a wide range of advanced aesthetic treatments, including Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero, Teoxane, Radiesse, 4D Sculptra, Aesthefill, Vivabella, Thermage, Silhouette Soft Thread Lift, Power Lift, AlloDerm, and various botulinum toxin injections.

Dr. Wen-Yu Lin
Aesthetic medicine
Dr.Lin specializes in a broad range of advanced aesthetic treatments, including certifications in Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero, Teoxane, Radiesse, Silhouette Soft Thread Lift, 4D Sculptra, Aesthefill, Merz, Ellanse, Botox, and Letybo injections. Additionally, Dr.Lin offers M22 Intense Pulsed Light for pigmentation reduction, pore shrinking, and tattoo removal, PICOSURE laser for skin whitening and pigmentation lightening, and radiofrequency/ultrasound face lifting for non-invasive rejuvenation.

Dr. Chi-Feng Liao
Aesthetic medicine
Dr.Liao specializes in comprehensive facial and neck assessment, contour sculpting, thread lifting, body sculpting, and fat reduction, including chin and calf slimming. Additional expertise includes regenerative medicine for hair growth, various injectable treatments (hyaluronic acid, Ellanse, Radiesse, Sculptra, collagen, PRP, and other fillers), and radiofrequency/ultrasound face lifting. Dr.Liao is also a certified practitioner for Restylane, Juvederm, 4D Sculptra, and Aesthefill.